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March 20, 2005


Deek Deekster

it's "goaties" - as in, like a GOAT - which coincidentally was how they smelled as well as looked. You forgot to mention that they rejected capitalist hegemony and dodged the draft for Nam. Nothing new there either huh!


Hmmm, I don't think my 87-year-old grandmother and 86-year-old grandfather would agree with this statement. To them, today's kids (i.e. anyone younger than 60) don't understand what it's like to live by eating the dirt under your fingernails, or how to trek through two feet of snow to school everyday (even during the summer!).

Heck, I'm 65 years younger than them and I still don't agree!

Games are for Children


Hmmm, I don't think my 87-year-old grandmother and 86-year-old grandfather would agree with this statement. To them, today's kids (i.e. anyone younger than 60) don't understand what it's like to live by eating the dirt under your fingernails, or how to trek through two feet of snow to school everyday (even during the summer!).

Heck, I'm 65 years younger than them and I still don't agree!

Games are for Children

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