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April 19, 2005



I can't say that my life as a whole has been simple and happy, I don't think anyone's is. All I can say is that thankfully, right now, things are good (and anti-depressants are helping!). If you ever want to chat, feel free to email me. You can learn about me on my blog. Hugs, Mia.


Keep your chin up. :)


Did you only want to hear from people who have had easy lives? Not, me, but I get by. There are good and bad times, easy and rough patches, happy and sad days. Just keep going and enjoy the good parts!


I'm not even quite 23 yet, but so far, life is good. No catastrophes, really...some things have happened that SEEMED like catastrophes but, in the great scheme of things, were just minor blips on the "oh crap!" radar. So far, so good...but at the same time, my life is pretty boring. I guess I don't take many chances, because they seldom pay off anyway, for me.


My God! I was surfing blogs and I saw this entry and I could've swore I wrote it. Good luck with everything. The outlook on life, not wanting to feel anymore, and the changes in appearance in the midst of it all, are all things I can totally relate to.


I guess life isn't easy. I see it as just a big test. I've had my ups and downs just like everyone. I've been on Lexapro for about 5 years now, what will happen when I go off the stuff? Another test. You can see parts of my life on my blog. I hope to hear from you. Take Care


Saw your Blog on BlogExplosion. Loved your article. Ty for saying what needed to be said. Take care and God Bless.


Your life is a product of the condition of your heart. If your heart is full of joy, love, trust, and is thankful, then your life will be joyful, easy, light.... rough times do not have to be catastrophies, and they do not have to leave scars. We can learn from these situations how to respond better in the next situation.

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