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April 07, 2005



I am no nutritionist, but I have had some experience in the weight-loss department. Only 20 lbs, but it was all thanks to excercise and diet. No pills - pills are a shortcut, and a bad one at that. My problem was smoking. I told myself I could ride 30 miles to and from work and still smoke because I'm in exceptional shape. Well, smoking diminishes that edge in a large way, just like Pop Tarts, whole dairy and alcohol. I quit smoking, drinking and dairy, and lo and behold, the weight melted off. The key is on your head - how badly you want to lose the weight? I know you can do it - I did. Discipline :-)


Hiya Trudie, thanks for the comment on my blog. Yes, I did design it myself. I'm hoping to start a web design business within a year or so (right now I'm taking classes for it).

As for diets, I was diagnosed with Diabetes in January and am doing the South Beach diet, which is good for diabetics. I've lost 13 pounds, not much, but it's not water weight so it'll stay off as long as I keep on it. Good luck with your weight loss. I also need to lose right around 100 lbs to have an average BMI of 22. At least 75 lbs lost to get down to that 25 BMI mark. But I'm not worried about BMI, I need to get my blood sugar levels and insulin levels down.

Anyway, thanks for the compliment on my design!


I missed it-- what diet pill was it??


I have fought my weight my whole life. I am now 50 lbs overweight. I just gets harder as you get older. I figure if you are happy with yourself then the weight isn't a problem, unless there are health issues.

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