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July 05, 2005



Nice to see you back. I was getting bored with that post. Let me know if you find anything to make money.


I'm glad you're back. I guess things aren't always what they seem. Live and learn I guess.


Tell me about it. In an ideal world, people like us would be able to surf the net all day and get paid for it. I hate that. Damn scams. :)


You've gotta go for the fast, click for point ones. That's the only way I had any success. Gift cards!
PS-You will have more spam than you can fry in hell!


Try Gozing.com
They pay through the mail, (check) but I have been at 4 or five times through them in the last 6 months. and sometimes I get to do trial surveys. I got free toilet paper once. lol

Oh please

Mackin with Pappy


If you find a way to make money on the internet, let me know!


Hi, Trudie, thanks for reading my blog tonight.

I think that I will refrain from clicking anything with "offers"; I sure can't afford it - it sounds like!


Oooooh - Crosby Stills Nash and Young! Minus the latter. Excellent reference!


Gads, I hear ya! I have tried several of those "offers" and they all end up as scams to sell something, enroll in something, or "get one free after you buy a dozen".

No thanks to all. I am trying Ad Sense on my blog, but no one is clicking on them, so I am at zero dollars there too - LOL!

I like your style and humor, wish I had some encouraging information! Stop by my blog sometime, have a giggle, at least they're free - LOL!


Hi! Thanks for dropping by my blog with encouraging news regarding Adsense - glad to know there is some hope there!

Best wishes to you! Keep up the good work!

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