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July 16, 2005



Go Jersey! I knew there were reasons that I left and reasons that I miss it.


Once a Jersey girl, always a Jersey girl!

The Statue of Liberty stands with her back towards NJ--and NJ just CLAIMS to own her--she's a NY monument!
And ever notice you have to pay tolls to get into NYC, but none to get out into NJ?

As far as I'm concerned the state is a great big obstacle to slow me down whenever I'm traveling between NY and VA. Only good thing is the cheap shopping--that is, if the traffic on the roads lets you get near the malls!


You've never pumped your own gas?!

I think I read somewhere that it's a law in NJ, right? Do you have to pay more per gallon for that?

I pump my own gas ALL the time, except when Hubby is in the car, then he does it.


I used to work with a lot of Jersey people (not to mention doing Basic in Fort Dix.) There are some good family values among the Jersey-ites, and I miss them.

Frances Nash

that was more than i ever wanted to know


You forgot a New Jersey native: JustJoe...Trust me thousands of people know me...


I love it... some people just dont understand what Jersey has to offer.. including someone making the comments above... next time try to be a little more original with your comments, not like we at NJ havent heard all those jokes before...


I was 21 years old before I learned how to pump gas. I still remember getting out of the car and looking at the pump in disbelief as my (non-New Jersey-native) friend was doubled over laughing.

And no, the gas is less expensive in NJ (at least compared to surrounding states), not more.


I have to differ with you on a few facts:

Massachusetts is the leader in Cranberry production, then Wisconson, then New Jersey.

NJ is sixth in cost of living, California, Hawaii, then Massachusetts.

Highlands, NJ may have the highest point in NJ but definitly not on the eastern seaboard. I know MA has at least 40 points higher and Maine,New Hampshire, and Vermont, have even higher points. Not to mention the Carolinas.

I just want to defend the New England States. Anyway they were fun facts to read.


I'm just visiting, first time ever, and am enjoying myself. Funny list - I definitely need to hit a diner at 3 am as back home (Colorado) you'd be hard pressed to find a diner other than Denny's, and you know that doesn't really count.

Who's joking? I grew up in the city, but my father worked in Passaic, so I KNOW New Jersey. And to know it is NOT to love it.
Lousy roads, nasty traffic, crumbling cities and UGLY suburbs.
On the other hand, cheer up, you COULD be from Texas...........


I actually got married in Vegas the 2nd time around, and I was married in the same chapel that Jon Bon Jovi married his Dorothea in. Sadly, my marriage didn't last as long as his, but you can't have everything.

Challenge to you, ma'am! What do you know about Iowa? (That's my home state)

you may contact me with your answers at my blog comments...I'm just curious to see what people know about it. I haven't lived there for four years but I'm still sentimental about it to a degree.


Weary Hag

I totally enjoyed this but do disagree on just a couple of your facts... still it was GREAT fun!
As a native Staten Islander, I was one of those "other side of da bridge" bums who couldn't get enough of the great nightclubs and malls when I was in my 20s.
I lived in both Seaside Hgts and Toms River, and can SO much relate to most of what you've written.

Excellent post. Really got a kick out of it... (oh yes, and I miss the jug handles, and I knew EXACTLY what you meant about the circles - *smile*)

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