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August 18, 2005



Great post Trudie!

I know exactly how you feel talking to someone who is having conversations with about 5 other people...i am guilty of that sometimes too...

you had me cracking up about the sweaty armpit thing...kids...where do they come up with this stuff!!

I agree Melodyann...is awesome...i hope that when she gets published and all famous she wont forget us little people...heehehe


Ha-ha! One of the funniest posts... and I thought I only had a family like that!

You made that wedding dress?! It is stunning :-)


Trudes, you're a peach. Thank you for the kind words....

I loved that story. That's exactly how it is when my two girls, and usually a friend or two of theirs, and me, try to have a conversation.


My name is MelodY Ann too....I though my name was very original until I started blogging. I've run across several now. Love your blog too. Oh...My daughter went a year wearing mostly black...she was 14, now at 16...she's a true girly girl!

Christopher Trottier

Thanks for sharing a snapshot of your life with me. By the way, I write poetry too.


Hee. That's an exciting conversation.

Regarding Grace, it's interesting for me to hear about other people with skin conditions that affect the clothes they wear. Mine's hydradenitis suppurativa (HS) and it's essentially "super-pimples" wherever I've got sweat glands (armpits, chest, bikini-line). I can't wear T-shirts with tight armpits or the cysts get worse, and I'm reluctant to wear tank tops b/c then they show.

Maybe Grace could wear non-black in her pants, or wear layers of shirts (that aren't black) so the sweat doesn't soak through? Also, I presume she got the name of the condition from her doctor, so maybe s/he could recommend a prescription anti-perspirant for her. Though one of my friends has the same condition and said that he's tried a few and they all give him horrible acne...

Best wishes!

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