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August 14, 2005



Thanks for the nice post Trudie. I really enjoy reading all of your blogs, and always look forward to the next one. I feel like we are connected in a lot of ways. Say Hi to Jersey for me because I don't think I'll make it down for a visit before school starts. Keep blogging, and I'll definitely keep reading!


I am fairly new at blogging and Love it. It is so much fun to read what other people have to say and sometimes I even 'learn' something...imagine that....and old dog like me learning something.


Keep blogging! Your stuff is awesome..shall I say, amazing? I'll definatly keep reading...


Trudie, you truly are an amazing person. I love reading what you write, and I love it that you read me. I love it that you leave nice comments that pick me up on a bad day. Thank you for extending that hand of friendship to me.

ME Strauss

It's true. Been confirmed in print. I've even met a few. Some people have no sense of humor. Haven't had fun a day in their lives.
Don't let them get you down.

Keep blogging. If you're not having fun, you're mot doing it right.



i love reading your blog! and i love all the awesome/entertaining/enlightening comments you leave on my blog, too, that make me smile even when i'm ready to throw someone out the window. very cool, very cool.

i may not be the most 'amazing' comment-leaver, but i'm always reading.


The truth is, you just never know.

6 years ago, I wound up meeting the young lady I married because she saw my poetry on a "friendster" type site called SixDegrees.com. I had no idea where she was, and she had no idea where I was..... and we discovered we were about a 90 minute drive from each other.

She is truly the love of my life. And I got the opportunity to be with her because of the narcissism that convinced me somebody else would want to read something I wrote. It is an amazing thing.

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