Father God,
We ask that you send your Holy Spirit to surround all the victims of
this terrible storm with Your love and protection. Father, please be
with these, Your children, as they try to escape from harm's way. Help
them through this horrendous ordeal, and quiet their souls,
comfort their tears, and allow them to start this day, to rebuild their
lives. We ask Your blessings and protection also for the people
working to help the victims, no matter how big or small their effort in helping.
Guide these, Your children to help with compassion and love, with clear
minds, strong bodies, and sure steps. We ask this is Jesus' name.
Online Relief Organizations Links:
The Red Cross; Episcopal Relief; United Methodist; Salvation Army; Catholic Charities; Network for Good; Baton Rouge Area; Nat'l Vol. Orgs.; B'nai B'rith; Louisana SPCA