I have another confession to make. Googlepex and Advertising and Selling have nothing to do with Google. Know how I found that out? Google Adsense dumped me!!! Not only dumped me, but told me never to darken their doorstep again! I am permanently excommunicated. All of a sudden Adsense decided that I must be breaking some kind of rule. Even though it took me about 7 months to collect $100.00 worth of clicks, now I am making too many. What makes me even sicker about the situation is the fact that even though I see their actions, which include "sending back the money to the advertisers," as liable. I had a few exchange emails from the Webmaster, and it's no go. I am out on my butt. Period. Who do I go to for this injustice?
Adsense states in their long agreement policy that I can't do anything to attract clickers. They have me. Googlepex and Advertising and Selling are traffic sites that you can join for traffic and "clickage." I went back to see who the heck was in charge of Googlepex, and surprise, surprise, it's not Google. OOPS. The annoying part is that a couple of Adsense people were allowed back in, but not before Adsense confiscated $300 - $400 worth of clickage.
Know what I think? I think that I had too many ads on my blogs anyway, and now I won't have to pay Googlepex and Advertising and Selling for their clickage. Now I can concentrate on my own little eBay Store, "Trudie's Treasures." Visit me, would you?? It gets lonely sometimes!
I have ha the same problem with Google,they confiscated all my earnings a few hours before I was due my first payment(30 days form when I reached $100.00)I have demanded a reciept from them as to which advertisers were returned the money.No reply as of yet.I believe a class action suit should be levied,there are hundreds of us.This is how Google makes their Millions?on the backs of innocent "little people"?
Posted by: H.Douglas Forbes | October 02, 2005 at 11:31 PM
p.s.I would love to use Ebay,but as they discriminated against the poor (refusung to allow me to list as I have no credit card is class discrimination)
Posted by: H.Douglas Forbes | October 02, 2005 at 11:33 PM
Hi Trudie,
I'm Winter now (aka Toodles)(aka Shirley). I went throught the same thing with Google but I have just got back up and running with them.
How you ask? I became someone else...who will cash checks for me. I am now my own husband (Well he might as well be good for something.)
Posted by: winter | October 03, 2005 at 11:07 AM
As at present I am having fun to complain about Google AdSense. Because, I have no complaints.
Sorry for your disappointments.
Posted by: Orikinla Osinachi | October 04, 2005 at 02:04 PM
I've recently had the same problem... I wasn't even a member for 2 weeks, when I got an email of my banning. I've emailed Google, looking for some explanation, but have recieved nothing yet.
You should check out Chikita ads. You can see an example on my site, they're actually really cool.
Darren at problogger.net did a review of Chikita ads... really helpful and a really great alternative to AdSense.
Posted by: [optikshell.com] | October 08, 2005 at 11:40 AM