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October 03, 2005



What happened? I have not had any problems. what was their reasoning behind tossing you off adSense? Just curious. I've been paid by them once so far, so I'm curious what they said.

It happened to many of us.
Google is garbage.
You do not have to do anything bad to get kicked.
Mostly it is a "competitor" that clicks your ads hundreds of times, and then SELF reports YOU as the bad guy.
Absolutely nothing to do. Google has covered their back in their TOS.


Yep me to, I made the mistake of searching from the search box on my site once, they promptly reminded me that wasn't allowed and booted me (right before the end of the month coincidentially)


Problems? According to Google, nobody clicks on my adsense ads. I don't know what to do to get someone to click. It amazes me at how ineffective this is as a revenue source.



It happened to me as well. They *still* won't tell me why it happened.

Incidentally, I switched to chitika.com.

The Guvnor

to be honest i have not earned a dime from it and am at a bit of a loss to see what the fuss is about how good it is supposed to be. im tempted to bin it.


they didnt click on mine as well. and until now i did not earn a single cent so far as i started it :(


I better be careful what I say, since I have gmail and a blogspot.... what the heck....

Yeah I got stiffed by adsense..... but then wotcha gonna do?

I mean for all the talk google is just another rip-off corporation.

I'm more annoyed that I allowed them temporarily to spam my site.

And I console myself with the thought that I aint ever going to buy anything from anyone that advertises with them. Plus I no longer have my blogs cluttered up by this bunch of schiesters....


I am glad I read this before doing it.


Google shuting down your account and saying they are refunding the $$ to advertisers is just what they do when someone has violated their TOS.

It was probably your participation in googlepex that gotted you kicked out.

surf thru googlepex exchange and note how many pages are shown that have non-working adsense on the page (shows up as an area that says 'you are not allowed to view this...')... and you will get an idea as to how many peoples adsense accounts are getting shut down when they participate in the click exchange ... which is what it is.. not really a traffic exchange .. members are supposed to click on each others adsense ads.

you can still participate in the fraud but you have to change who you show ads for ... bidvertisor, clicksor, knoodle, and several others don't care if you use that system to defraud advertisors ... after all, they "get theirs".

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